Winter Weather Public Announcement
With the forecast calling for temperatures to fall to the teens and single digits, Camden area residents must be prepared for such low temperatures. Letting your faucets drip will prevent water from standing still in your service lines which in turn allows it to freeze when temperatures are this low. It's always a good idea to know how and where to turn your water service off in case of an emergency and to have the necessary tools available to do so. If your water service does freeze, go ahead and turn the water off until the weather has warmed up. Chances are, if your water lines have frozen you could have a busted water line when it thaws out, which can run your water bill up into the hundreds of dollars if neglected.
Wrap outside faucets and if you have other structures or buildings with water service, you need to consider those as well. Inspect those structures and buildings as soon as the temperatures get above freezing to ensure you don't have any busted lines or leaks. If your home has a crawl space, make sure the vents from the outside are closed or sealed off.
Dripping water is a small price to pay for insurance to prevent your water service lines from freezing.
Other things to consider during very cold weather are outside animals.
For animals that can't be brought inside during extreme cold, provide them with a warm place to get out of the wind and make sure their drinking water is not frozen for long periods. Don't use blankets in extreme cold as they can trap moisture and freeze, creating dangerous ice-cold surfaces. Shelters filled with straw (which insulates well and stays dry) work best.