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Rates and Fees

Garden Hose Sprinkler

As a courtesy to residential customers that may be watering during the summer months, sewer rates are set up on an average for six months of usage during the months of May through October. This average is calculated using six months of the previous winter bills. Sewer bills from the months of November through April are billed by the normal rate charge.

Effective August 1, 2024 (Ordinance #01-23 and 02-23)

Water and Sewer base charges include the first 1,000 gallons usage.

Water: $3.75 per thousand gallons
Inside City Base Charge: $18.00 per meter
Outside City Base Charge: $31.00 per meter
Save Water Act Fee (ADH): 40 cents per meter
Sewer: $4.75 per thousand gallons
Inside City Base Charge: $24.00 per meter
Outside City Base Charge: $29.00 per meter

SALES TAX RATE as of October 1, 2024 is 10.75% CAMDEN & 9.0% OUTSIDE CITY

Water and sewer rates for years 2023-2028, click below for the related ordinances.



Deposits (check or cash only) are required in advance for each meter as follows:

  • Owner of Property:

    $25.00 (5/8" meter)
    $25.00 (1" meter)

    Non-Owner of Property
    (rent) or Rent-to-Own:

    $125.00 per min. (user)

    Mobile Homes, 
    Bad Debt Risk:


    Commission adopted policy 03-18-08

  • Accounts will be charged a deposit in accordance with a history of past billing of water, sewer, and garbage set by that commercial account or ones in the same profession as determined by management.

    Owner or Rental

    beginning at:

    $125.00 (5/8" meter)

    + more for higher garbage

    $125.00 (1" meter)

    + more for higher garbage

    $200.00 (2" meter)

    + more for higher garbage

  • New Account


    Re-connect Fee:


    Meter Removed:


    After-hours Turn On Fee:


  • 5/8" meter:


    1" meter:


    2" meter or larger:

    Based on cost of labor and materials

    Water Tap Increase Approved in February, 2023

    (Tap Information)

    1. Must have RPZ inspection for sprinklers.

    2. Must have septic approval from the Health Dept. for Outside the City.

    3. Mark for location of meter, and may wait up to two weeks for installation.

Connection Fees

Garden Hose Sprinkler

As a courtesy to residential customers that may be watering during the summer months, sewer rates are set up on an average for six months of usage during the months of May through October. This average is calculated using six months of the previous winter bills. Sewer bills from the months of November through April are billed by the normal rate charge.

Effective August 1, 2024 (Ordinance #01-23 and 02-23)

Water and Sewer base charges include the first 1,000 gallons usage.


Water: $3.75 per thousand gallons
Inside City Base Charge: $18.00 per meter
Outside City Base Charge: $31.00 per meter
Save Water Act Fee (ADH): 40 cents per meter


Sewer: $4.75 per thousand gallons
Inside City Base Charge: $24.00 per meter
Outside City Base Charge: $29.00 per meter

SALES TAX RATE as of October 1, 2024 is 10.75% CAMDEN & 9.0% OUTSIDE CITY

Water and sewer rates for years 2023-2028, click below for the related ordinances.

Rates and Fees

Garden Hose Sprinkler

As a courtesy to residential customers that may be watering during the summer months, sewer rates are set up on an average for six months of usage during the months of May through October. This average is calculated using six months of the previous winter bills. Sewer bills from the months of November through April are billed by the normal rate charge.

Effective August 1, 2024 (Ordinance #01-23 and 02-23)

Water and Sewer base charges include the first 1,000 gallons usage.


Water: $3.75 per thousand gallons
Inside City Base Charge: $18.00 per meter
Outside City Base Charge: $31.00 per meter
Save Water Act Fee (ADH): 40 cents per meter


Sewer: $4.75 per thousand gallons
Inside City Base Charge: $24.00 per meter
Outside City Base Charge: $29.00 per meter

SALES TAX RATE as of October 1, 2024 is 10.75% CAMDEN & 9.0% OUTSIDE CITY

Water and sewer rates for years 2023-2028, click below for the related ordinances.

Rates and Fees

Rates and Fees

Garden Hose Sprinkler

As a courtesy to residential customers that may be watering during the summer months, sewer rates are set up on an average for six months of usage during the months of May through October. This average is calculated using six months of the previous winter bills. Sewer bills from the months of November through April are billed by the normal rate charge.

Effective August 1, 2024 (Ordinance #01-23 and 02-23)

Water and Sewer base charges include the first 1,000 gallons usage.

$3.75 per thousand gallons
Inside City Base Charge:
$18.00 per meter
Outside City Base Charge:
$31.00 per meter
Save Water Act Fee (ADH):
40 cents per meter
$4.75 per thousand gallons
Inside City Base Charge:
$24.00 per meter
Outside City Base Charge:
$29.00 per meter

SALES TAX RATE as of October 1, 2024 is 10.75% CAMDEN & 9.0% OUTSIDE CITY

Water and sewer rates for years 2023-2028, click below for the related ordinances.

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